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  • "Unified Telecom streamlined our communication practices and introduced us to a more efficient method of using telecommunication services. The end result was a reduction in our monthly spend and gaining a flexible system that better meets the needs of our growing business. 

    I would highly recommend any business to leverage Unified Telecom’s expertise and take the complexities out of finding the right solution for your business needs."

    SHC Co-Founder, Kevin Leneker
  • "Unified Telecom has helped my clients realize significant cost savings and reliability while allowing me to focus on my core business.  I couldn’t imagine going back to researching and managing telecom solutions on my own."

    BR Networking President, Brooks Riendl
  • "Unified Telecom has tailored a cost-effective and reliable solution that I would not have been able to research on my own.  Unified Telecom works with all of the major players and has made sure we have solutions that work for our environment."

    Zeeks Pizza Director of Technology and Facilities
It all depends on what your organization is trying to accomplish. If you are looking to do a like for like service replacement your savings can be anywhere from 10% to 50% of your monthly recurring charges. If you are looking to replace your service with a newer technology it may or may not provide savings. This will be answered through our auditing process.
No. We can still help you reduce your monthly spend, while likely improving your overall network experience.
Our fees our contingent on whether or not we are able to find savings for your organization. If we are unable to find any savings, there is no fee. However, once we have completed the audit of your services and have identified savings, Unified will share in the first 12 months of savings that we have created for you.
Unified will be by your side along the way. Once an agreement is reached with the provider of your choice, Unified will assist with getting the service procured and assist with managing the installs. We will also be an ongoing escalation point for your organization.
We will audit all of your telecom related sources, from your local dialtone and long distance service to your wireless, data/internet and cloud services
We'll need copies of recent invoices and contracts, if any. We'll need a signed Letter of Authorization to gather information from your providers. 
No. After we have completed the audit and provided our recommendations we will implement the changes with the provider(s) This will assure you that what was presented and discussed as the solution of choice is deployed properly and that you receive the savings that were agreed upon
During the initial audit and deployment stage Unified will work with the provider to resolve. After this stage has ended you can choose to work directly with the provider or you can retain Unified Telecom's management service for a monthly fee 
Generally 30 to 60 days following deployment of the changes.
This really depends on the size of the organization. Generally smaller organizations can see an audit completed within 2 weeks and larger multi location opportunities up to 4 weeks
Through the audit phase we will do a complete inventory of the services you have. We will work with your service providers to view their records and we'll work with your other related vendors to verify on premise equipment, etc...
Reference are always available upon request. But to answer the question, there are no limits to the size and type of business. We work with non profits, enterprise and Fortune 500 companies 
Please call 360-528-3000 or email us at

Need more information?

We can help. Call 360.528.3000 or email